Objective To summarize the methods and comprehension of nursing care for secondary glaucoma due to senile intumescent cataract in perioperative period. 目的:总结老年性白内障膨胀期继发青光眼围手术期的护理方法与体会。
Objective To explore the clinical effect of secondary posterior chamber IOL implantation after traumatic cataract surgery. 目的探讨外伤性白内障后房型人工晶状体二期植入术的临床效果。
Different surgical methods in treatment of secondary glaucoma due to intumescent cataract 不同手术方式治疗膨胀期白内障继发青光眼的临床观察
Theory and Clinical Discussion on Opening Sweat Pore ( OSP) and Central Retinal Vein Occlusion ( CRVO) and Neovascular Glaucoma ( NVG) Different surgical methods in treatment of secondary glaucoma due to intumescent cataract 视网膜中央静脉阻塞及继发青光眼与玄府闭塞关系之初探不同手术方式治疗膨胀期白内障继发青光眼的临床观察
Objective To investigate the nursing of pupillary capture combined with secondary cataract in order to consolidate therapy and promote rehabilitation. 目的探讨瞳孔夹持合并后发性白内障的护理措施,以达到巩固治疗、促进康复的目的。
Clinical observation of glaucoma secondary to intumescent cataract treated by cataract extraction 单纯晶状体摘除治疗膨胀期白内障继发青光眼
Methods The primary injury, treatment procedure, occurrence/ development of secondary myopia and the results of their correction were observed in 4 cases with the secondary myopia after IOL implantation for traumatic cataract. 方法观察4例外伤性白内障IOL植入术后发生继发性近视的原发性损伤、治疗经过及矫正结果。
Objective To introduce two surgical techniques for cataract extraction and pupil reformation under small pupil in cases of secondary cataract after uveitis. 目的介绍2种小瞳孔下行葡萄膜炎并发性白内障摘出和瞳孔成形的手术方法。
Objective: To investigate the relationship between perinatal asphyxia and secondary cataract. 目的:探讨围生期窒息与继发性白内障之间关系。
Nd: YAG laser capsulotomy for the treatment of secondary cataract Nd:YAG激光治疗后发性白内障
Conclusion The occurrence of the secondary myopia after IOL implantation in traumatic cataract is probably related to the several factors of pattern deprivation, such as the corneal astigmatism, corneal scars, opacities of lens and vitreous caused by the perforating injury of eyeball. 结论外伤性白内障IOL植入术后继发性近视的发生可能与眼穿孔伤造成伤眼角膜散光、角膜疤痕、晶状体浑浊、玻璃体浑浊等多种形觉剥夺因素有关。
Methods: 31 eyes of 27 patients with secondary cataract after uveitis underwent cataract extraction accompanied by intraocular lens implantation. In them, 10 eyes necessitated vitrectomy, 2 eyes did trabeculectomy and 4 eyes did peripheral iridectomy. 方法:对27例31眼葡萄膜炎并发白内障行白内障摘除及人工晶体植入术,其中10眼联合玻璃体切除术及后囊切开术,2眼联合小梁切除术,4眼联合虹膜周切术。
The intraoperative and postoperative complications include inflammatory reaction, vitreous opacity, retinal detachment, secondary cataract, removal of IOL and graft rejection. 术后并发症包括炎症反应、玻璃体混浊、视网膜脱离、晶体后囊混浊、人工晶体移位及角膜移植排斥反应等。
Methods: In 21 cases ( 22 eyes) of glaucoma secondary to cataract intumescent stage, 3 eyes were performed cataract extraction only. Nineteen eyes were performed combination of cataract extraction and anti-glaucoma surgery ( 17 eyes combined with trabeculectomy, 2 eyes with periphery iridectomy). 方法:对21例22只眼行单纯白内障手术3只眼,白内障手术联合抗青光眼手术19只眼(其中小梁切除术17只眼,周边虹膜切除术2只眼),一期植入人工晶状体20只眼。
Conclusion Fixed pupillary capture of IOL is the common complication in children after cataract surgery. Severe postoperative uveal tract reaction and secondary cataract and lens cortex regeneration are the major causes of intraocular lens pupillary capture. 结论白内障摘除术后葡萄膜炎性反应、晶状体皮质再生及后发性白内障是引起儿童IOL固定性瞳孔夹持的主要原因。
Conclusion Most of patients with secondary glaucoma due to intumescent senile cataract can be cured surgically by iridectomy or trabeculectomy combined with ECCE and PC IOL implantation. 结论大多数膨胀期白内障继发性青光眼患者可通过虹膜切除或小梁切除联合ECCE+IOL治愈。
Clinical study of inhibition anterior membrane of intraocular lens and secondary cataract with r-interferon r-干扰素抑制人工晶体前膜和后发性白内障的临床研究
Conclusion Post CCC combined with anterior vitrectomy is an effective method for preventing secondary cataract. 结论先天性白内障术中行后囊连续环形撕囊联合前段玻璃体切除术,是预防后发性白内障的有效方法。
Evaluation of a human capsular bag model for secondary cataract determination after intraocular lens implantation 评价人工晶体植入术后继发性白内障囊袋模型
Conclusion PCCC plus anterior vitrectomy after cataract surgery is an effective method for preventing secondary cataract formation in infants and children and should be regarded as the first choice for patients under 6. 结论一期PCCC+前部玻璃体切除术是真正有效预防儿童白内障人工晶体术后后囊混浊发生的术式,应为6岁以下儿童白内障首选的手术方法。
Intraocular lens implantation in secondary glaucoma due to intumescent senile cataract 老年性白内障膨胀期继发青光眼的人工晶状体植入术
Treatment of secondary cataract in children's intraocular lens 儿童人工晶体后发障的防治
Results Different extent of secondary cataract, posterior iris synechia caused by severe postoperative uveal tract reaction were existed in all 30 cases, corecleisis was occurred in some severe cases. 结果全部患者均发生较严重的葡萄膜炎性反应及其所致的虹膜后粘连和瞳孔膜闭或闭锁,以及不同程度的后发性白内障。
The intraocular lens could be reposited through iris synechia separation, regenerated lens cortex cleaning and secondary cataract extraction. 手术分离虹膜粘连、清除晶状体再生皮质并切除后发性白内障,可有效复位IOL。
[ Objective] To observe the inhibition from anterior membrane of intraocular lens and secondary cataract after extracapsular cataract extraction and implantation of the chamber lenses. 目的观察r-干扰素(r-IFN)对白内障囊外摘除及人工晶体植入术后人工晶体前表面膜和后囊混浊的抑制作用。
Secondary Myopia after IOL Implantation for Cataract Caused by the Ocular Penetrating Injury 眼球穿通伤所致白内障IOL植入术后继发性近视
Medicine therapy for secondary glaucoma after cataract extraction 白内障术后继发青光眼的药物治疗与随访
Ineffective in 2 eyes with vitreous hemorrhage, secondary glaucoma or complicated cataract, the rate was 1.97%. 2眼因玻璃体出血,继发新生血管性青光眼或并发白内障失明而无效,占1.97%。